Sunday, 10 July 2016

Meditation 'The greatest karma'

Yes, Meditation is the greatest karma for all living beings
Being human, we have the highest level of consciousness among all the living beings and through Meditation, we even expand the consciousness
Many times, people get confused about meditation and mix it with other form of worships
More often than not people even consider it as very difficult task without even trying it and also assume that one has to be equipped with great knowledge to perform that and also follow some holy rituals
But as a matter of fact, Meditation is nothing but a process of Remembering, an approach to re-member, uniting with the source and realize one's true glory

Its a connection with self and there is nothing complex in it. We just have to simply shut down all our physical senses from external world and be in most comfortable position physically. Thus it creates the base for relaxing the MIND which never stops thinking
Initially as a habitual process, the mind will take us towards the particular thought but if we try to stand still, the thought density will reduce, we are then nothing but observer of our thoughts and not flowing with it, we then start jou
rneying towards the center, the center of our being, the internal and eternal world, the world of Peace, harmony , Bliss and Pure love
One should practise it everyday, it may take 21 days or so to make it easier to reduce the thought density but consistent practise will create a habit internally and whenever we want, we can then start the inner world exploration
We can either lie down or sit but spine should be straight since its a receiver of cosmic energy, we may use the earplugs too if noises outside are so disturbing, its recommended anyway since we will then be easily able to focus on the internal sound within us which is nothing but the AUM sound
Meditation enhances our capability of understanding, and thus we can see every situation in totality and the divine plan behind that, we will realize the true self and our soul purpose of being physical
Constant practise of Meditation keeps us connected with the SOURCE the cosmos and we continually get showered by life force energy which is most essential to sustain the healthy and blissful life
Sleeping is unconscious meditation and Meditation is conscious sleeping and in both ways, we are free from Time and Space constraint since it deals with our etheric body and as in sleep(Unconscious travel to virtual world), we can consciously travel the world outside or the other dimensions too

Thank you !!!


  1. Quite inspiring!!
    You have always been an inspiration to me.
    Keep inspiring!
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart
